8 results found with 5 filters applied

Calling a Special Meeting of Shareholders

A special meeting allows shareholders to remove the current board of directors and elect a new board.

Healthy Co-op Checklist

Learn the signs of a healthy, well-functioning HDFC

Sample Management Agreement

The management contract outlines duties, responsibilities, and payments of the management company. This is a sample agreement created by UHAB.

Self Management Resolution

Self-managed HDFCs may find this agreement useful to clarify duties, compensation, and more.

How To Increase Participation

Help residents get interested and involved in running their building.

Running Effective, Democratic Meetings

Clear, timely, effective, and democratic meetings are key to a healthy cooperative.

Managing Your Manager

Have a manager, or thinking of hiring one? Learn how to make the most of your manager, including hiring and contracting.

Improving your Cooperative Board of Directors

Improve regular board meetings, learn the duties and powers of the board of directors, and make a cooperative policy checklist.